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We invited people around the world to imagine waking up in 2045 – a thriving, exciting future made possible by our decisions today in 2024.

Thousands of people, spanning all seven continents, have shared their ideas with us. Explore some of these visions captured in partnership with Global We.


On this website, thousands have shared their visions for the future by answering three questions. You can too.

These visions aren’t just dreams—they’re bold declarations of what’s possible when we choose hope. They show a strong belief in our power to build a brighter, cleaner future.

From green cities to healthy rural communities, these stories paint a clear picture of a world powered by renewable energy.

These stories remind us that the future is not set in stone — it’s ours to create…

A future of change, growth, and progress
My pets playing in the beautiful yard, my kids relaxing by the stream. green spaces, clean air and water and a sense of well being
Nature thriving, normal & steady weather patterns, peolle enjoying the outdoors with thier families, neighbors & strangers saying hello & smiling. kids eyes are full of entisiasim over simple things again. all i see gives me a sense of hope ,
wooded lands blufs teaming with gardens, streeams carving out new resourses cultivating while also sustaining habitat. a mindfull community engaged in commerse yeilding more than up up we can chew or shoe. we are bringing up young on upes owho quickly surpass us as they are living proper undefiled free and happy learning according to what becomes them and in ways that aught to be standard common sense and then aptitude. communion with eachother nature and finding creator amongst it all.,.the ideal made practical....
I see my children playing, learning and growing together on our family land, without a worry. their dads family and mine, working together to show that even though our definition of love has changed for each other, we still love each other and can work together in a new way.
An environment that is clear. the earth is clean , no polution, no trash, thebplants and trees are thriving. the flowers are beautiful and thriving. the veiw is crisp. the birds are chirping. beautiful butterflies, ladybugs,honey bees, bumble bees, are thriving. people happy, healthy, and grateful for obe another. people caring for the planet and her well being. no littering of any kind. the air, water, and food supply is healthy. heaven on earth.
A beautiful , breath taking, healthy, thriving, happy, earth and human beings!
Heaven on earth and a 1,000 years of justice and peace that harmonizes gaia so father of creation can see we appreciate his glory for giving humanity life
mohntains in the distance..parents playing like kids with their kids..i see smiling faces n people helping one another..i see green trees n grass n fruit trees and gardens n wildlife running free all around its gorgeous sight to see
A world looking for answers that i would like to help them find, and put to use to make this world the heaven on earth that we could, together.
I feel, see and smell outside as safe and pure as a dove. children running around, laughing, smiling with no sense of fear surrounding. little girls playing jump rope and littoe boys riding bikes. the parents sitting around talking with each other, smiling with pure bliss. truly happy inside. cookouts going on with kusic playing. everyone getting along. no human animales around watching and looking to prey on someone. no one has milicious intents. there is so much i see and violence and negativity doesnt live anywhere in site or out of site. i see me with limitless access to everything id like to do for and with the universe to bring all good.
peaceful, fruitful, inspiring, beautiful surroundings with loving, talented, strong, loving people everywhere doing what they love!
Trees, all kinds butterflys and hummingbirds.
I see my wife standing on our porch overlooking a valley of fields with a cup of coffee in her hand, smiling.
The community is working together as one, helping to raise each other's children, growing the food we eat, teaching each other what the true meaning and purpose of living life on our beautiful planet means and how blessed we all are to get the opportunity to live this experience together. as the day turns tonight, we all gather together to sing and dance under the stars
Ubuntu: a planet working for everyone.
i see a community living and working in the forest to help each other survive and thrive so we can show our ansetors that we can come together and keep our planet safe and healthy.
I see nature and light, pure wind between the trees.
i see acres of countryside, stones, water, beauty, laughing and running, i see spreads of fruit, dates, and vegetables, i see flowers and smells of earth and frankenscense
The ocean, a light breeze, my daughter and grandson in the yard, my parents and brothees family to each side of us in their home, i see my studio where i do intuitive readings, etc. i see all my past and present pets healthy and alive, i see new friends and old friendships rekindled, i see myself healthy, with energy, a good weight and able to feel happiness and joy
A self sustainable home, beds of beautiful native and medicinal plants around a gathering and srargazing area with comfortable seating & eclectic decor, surrounded by fields and greenhouses where food is grown, creatures and people all in community here to find healing and peace, to find and fulfill their purpose
Trees, animals and people all coexisting together in love.
It's peaceful, outside is safe again, kids can and do play outside. no more horns honking and gun shots. everyone is healthy not just the wealthy. people aren't living every day in pain and misery because we can't afford dental care, therapy and food. you don't see people walking around with holes and stains in their clothes.
I see a perfect world because it was divine creation, created by our lord jesus christ
A future of change, growth, and progress
i see acres of countryside, stones, water, beauty, laughing and running, i see spreads of fruit, dates, and vegetables, i see flowers and smells of earth and frankenscense
I see my wife standing on our porch overlooking a valley of fields with a cup of coffee in her hand, smiling.
mohntains in the distance..parents playing like kids with their kids..i see smiling faces n people helping one another..i see green trees n grass n fruit trees and gardens n wildlife running free all around its gorgeous sight to see
wooded lands blufs teaming with gardens, streeams carving out new resourses cultivating while also sustaining habitat. a mindfull community engaged in commerse yeilding more than up up we can chew or shoe. we are bringing up young on upes owho quickly surpass us as they are living proper undefiled free and happy learning according to what becomes them and in ways that aught to be standard common sense and then aptitude. communion with eachother nature and finding creator amongst it all.,.the ideal made practical....
Trees, animals and people all coexisting together in love.
i see a community living and working in the forest to help each other survive and thrive so we can show our ansetors that we can come together and keep our planet safe and healthy.
peaceful, fruitful, inspiring, beautiful surroundings with loving, talented, strong, loving people everywhere doing what they love!
A beautiful , breath taking, healthy, thriving, happy, earth and human beings!
My pets playing in the beautiful yard, my kids relaxing by the stream. green spaces, clean air and water and a sense of well being
The ocean, a light breeze, my daughter and grandson in the yard, my parents and brothees family to each side of us in their home, i see my studio where i do intuitive readings, etc. i see all my past and present pets healthy and alive, i see new friends and old friendships rekindled, i see myself healthy, with energy, a good weight and able to feel happiness and joy
The community is working together as one, helping to raise each other's children, growing the food we eat, teaching each other what the true meaning and purpose of living life on our beautiful planet means and how blessed we all are to get the opportunity to live this experience together. as the day turns tonight, we all gather together to sing and dance under the stars
A world looking for answers that i would like to help them find, and put to use to make this world the heaven on earth that we could, together.
I see my children playing, learning and growing together on our family land, without a worry. their dads family and mine, working together to show that even though our definition of love has changed for each other, we still love each other and can work together in a new way.
It's peaceful, outside is safe again, kids can and do play outside. no more horns honking and gun shots. everyone is healthy not just the wealthy. people aren't living every day in pain and misery because we can't afford dental care, therapy and food. you don't see people walking around with holes and stains in their clothes.
I see nature and light, pure wind between the trees.
Trees, all kinds butterflys and hummingbirds.
Heaven on earth and a 1,000 years of justice and peace that harmonizes gaia so father of creation can see we appreciate his glory for giving humanity life
Nature thriving, normal & steady weather patterns, peolle enjoying the outdoors with thier families, neighbors & strangers saying hello & smiling. kids eyes are full of entisiasim over simple things again. all i see gives me a sense of hope ,
A self sustainable home, beds of beautiful native and medicinal plants around a gathering and srargazing area with comfortable seating & eclectic decor, surrounded by fields and greenhouses where food is grown, creatures and people all in community here to find healing and peace, to find and fulfill their purpose
Ubuntu: a planet working for everyone.
I feel, see and smell outside as safe and pure as a dove. children running around, laughing, smiling with no sense of fear surrounding. little girls playing jump rope and littoe boys riding bikes. the parents sitting around talking with each other, smiling with pure bliss. truly happy inside. cookouts going on with kusic playing. everyone getting along. no human animales around watching and looking to prey on someone. no one has milicious intents. there is so much i see and violence and negativity doesnt live anywhere in site or out of site. i see me with limitless access to everything id like to do for and with the universe to bring all good.
An environment that is clear. the earth is clean , no polution, no trash, thebplants and trees are thriving. the flowers are beautiful and thriving. the veiw is crisp. the birds are chirping. beautiful butterflies, ladybugs,honey bees, bumble bees, are thriving. people happy, healthy, and grateful for obe another. people caring for the planet and her well being. no littering of any kind. the air, water, and food supply is healthy. heaven on earth.
I see a perfect world because it was divine creation, created by our lord jesus christ
A future of change, growth, and progress
Trees, all kinds butterflys and hummingbirds.
My pets playing in the beautiful yard, my kids relaxing by the stream. green spaces, clean air and water and a sense of well being
I see my wife standing on our porch overlooking a valley of fields with a cup of coffee in her hand, smiling.
Nature thriving, normal & steady weather patterns, peolle enjoying the outdoors with thier families, neighbors & strangers saying hello & smiling. kids eyes are full of entisiasim over simple things again. all i see gives me a sense of hope ,
The community is working together as one, helping to raise each other's children, growing the food we eat, teaching each other what the true meaning and purpose of living life on our beautiful planet means and how blessed we all are to get the opportunity to live this experience together. as the day turns tonight, we all gather together to sing and dance under the stars
wooded lands blufs teaming with gardens, streeams carving out new resourses cultivating while also sustaining habitat. a mindfull community engaged in commerse yeilding more than up up we can chew or shoe. we are bringing up young on upes owho quickly surpass us as they are living proper undefiled free and happy learning according to what becomes them and in ways that aught to be standard common sense and then aptitude. communion with eachother nature and finding creator amongst it all.,.the ideal made practical....
Ubuntu: a planet working for everyone.
I see my children playing, learning and growing together on our family land, without a worry. their dads family and mine, working together to show that even though our definition of love has changed for each other, we still love each other and can work together in a new way.
i see a community living and working in the forest to help each other survive and thrive so we can show our ansetors that we can come together and keep our planet safe and healthy.
An environment that is clear. the earth is clean , no polution, no trash, thebplants and trees are thriving. the flowers are beautiful and thriving. the veiw is crisp. the birds are chirping. beautiful butterflies, ladybugs,honey bees, bumble bees, are thriving. people happy, healthy, and grateful for obe another. people caring for the planet and her well being. no littering of any kind. the air, water, and food supply is healthy. heaven on earth.
I see nature and light, pure wind between the trees.
A beautiful , breath taking, healthy, thriving, happy, earth and human beings!
i see acres of countryside, stones, water, beauty, laughing and running, i see spreads of fruit, dates, and vegetables, i see flowers and smells of earth and frankenscense
Heaven on earth and a 1,000 years of justice and peace that harmonizes gaia so father of creation can see we appreciate his glory for giving humanity life
The ocean, a light breeze, my daughter and grandson in the yard, my parents and brothees family to each side of us in their home, i see my studio where i do intuitive readings, etc. i see all my past and present pets healthy and alive, i see new friends and old friendships rekindled, i see myself healthy, with energy, a good weight and able to feel happiness and joy
mohntains in the distance..parents playing like kids with their kids..i see smiling faces n people helping one another..i see green trees n grass n fruit trees and gardens n wildlife running free all around its gorgeous sight to see
A self sustainable home, beds of beautiful native and medicinal plants around a gathering and srargazing area with comfortable seating & eclectic decor, surrounded by fields and greenhouses where food is grown, creatures and people all in community here to find healing and peace, to find and fulfill their purpose
A world looking for answers that i would like to help them find, and put to use to make this world the heaven on earth that we could, together.
Trees, animals and people all coexisting together in love.
I feel, see and smell outside as safe and pure as a dove. children running around, laughing, smiling with no sense of fear surrounding. little girls playing jump rope and littoe boys riding bikes. the parents sitting around talking with each other, smiling with pure bliss. truly happy inside. cookouts going on with kusic playing. everyone getting along. no human animales around watching and looking to prey on someone. no one has milicious intents. there is so much i see and violence and negativity doesnt live anywhere in site or out of site. i see me with limitless access to everything id like to do for and with the universe to bring all good.
It's peaceful, outside is safe again, kids can and do play outside. no more horns honking and gun shots. everyone is healthy not just the wealthy. people aren't living every day in pain and misery because we can't afford dental care, therapy and food. you don't see people walking around with holes and stains in their clothes.
peaceful, fruitful, inspiring, beautiful surroundings with loving, talented, strong, loving people everywhere doing what they love!
I see a perfect world because it was divine creation, created by our lord jesus christ